The electrician will be here next week to run the main line in from the electric box out front, about 250 feet. From there we'll have it wired room by room, paying as we go. No more heavy duty extension cord, no more going outside on a rainy or snowy night trying to find where something flooded and shorted out the power!
I was granted a much-needed reprieve from net lifting duty today at work. My boss told me there were a couple of permits for exotic aquatic plant control that needed to be inspected ASAP, so of course I jumped on that project right away! I saw my first spring oriole in the process, and a robin sitting on a nest. And my weekend is free; no need to work! Maybe those potatoes will finally get planted.
I forgot to add...when I was inspecting one lakeshore property, when I returned from the dock the family dog, a black lab, ran up to me and dropped a tennis ball at my feet. Play ball with me! I obliged and threw the ball a few times, the dog eagerly retrieving it and returning it to me each time. I was a complete stranger, yet this dog trusted me. Dogs are funny and sweet that way.
Deb- it's beautiful!! I'll bet you're just thrilled to have it done. It'll be neat to see it, how it looks in different seasons.
Have a terrific, relaxing weekend.
I'll be manning the blood bank...
Glad you have your roof done, what a pretty color!
I love that roof. I don't think I'll have the guts to do the same when my place goes up (if ever).
What a beautiful roof!! I love that color!! There are getting to be alot more metal roofs in our area, too. I also like the steep pitch of your roof. No snow staying on that!
Shweet! I was worried about all that weather falling on your beautiful new home.
It's lovely! I would love to have a blue roof. And I didn't know you could have steel roofs here in Minnesota. For some reason, I've always associated them with the desert Southwest and assumed that they would not be warm enough. Now that I know it's possible, my mind's-eye dream house has just been remodeled with a steel roof!
Why didn't we do that 19 years ago?
I love metal roofs and plan to replace the present shingle one with metal when the time comes.
Lynne- Thanks. I'll invite you and Art to the housewarming party!
Jan M- Thanks, glad you like the color!
Pablo- Why not?
Cindy- Thanks. I'm seeing more of them around here too. They make a lot of sense, for getting rid of snow, and also wildfire safety.
Mojoman- It is raining tonight. I am thinking about the raindrops shedding right off that roof. Which reminds me...now we need some gutters and rain barrels.
Tracy- It is definitely possible; I think about a week ago I posted about the two layers of foam board insulation underneath the steel, so this roof should be plenty warm. Actually, since there is no break in the insulation layer, unlike when you have rafters or trusses with fiberglass insulation between them, this roof should have less potential for heat loss.
FC- I think a metal roof would look great on your steep pitched roof house. And knowing how you seem to enjoy working at great heights, that should not be a problem for you!
I'm envious of your windows! :-O Very nice - looks like a truly sustainable - and cozy - rural home.
Eric- I am so glad I let The Hermit talk me into those windows on the upper level. I was just thinking, go with what we have on the first floor. But hey, you only get to design a house once...
We'll test out the sustainability factor this winter, but I think this design has a lot going for it.
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