This quaint little instrument is a banjo mandolin, which sounds like...well, probably the worst of both. Remove the strings and head, and it doubles as a saucepan. But I can take it places I wouldn't think of taking my LaPlant, and Mr. Attitude can strum away as he pleases. He was singing the most fun, totally original song last night; wish I had an audio of this!
The original songs that come from kids that age are so neat. One of our favorite videos is my 4 year old Emma (now 17) singing about the "Medicine Store". Just too funny and sweet.
It is great when they sing straight out, no inhibitions and no editing. Their original songs are the best. He's definitely a cutie.
My boyo made up an instrumental piece for the piano a few months ago, which he called "The Deafening Hum of Murder", as a soundtrack for the horror film he's going to produce. Maybe he and Mr. Attitude could collaborate. Oh, those cute little 4 y.o. feet poking out!
When my daughter was a toddler and just experimenting with the language, she'd write whole arias worth of songs. They'd just go on and on and ramble from topic to topic like a butterfly dancing across a landscape. It was beautiful.
Yes, those original songs are so precious. I wish I could capture some of that lack of preconceived notions and of inhibition with some of my own music!
madcap-"The Deafening Hum of Murder?" Pretty dark for an 8 year old (he is 8, isn't he?) Although Calvin commented that that is something Calvin (of Calvin and Hobbes) would say. Probably with a huge grin on his face.
And, duh, I forgot my digital camera has video capabilities. I'm much more of a still photography person, but I have to capture some of these moments on video.
I forgot I was going to say those feet are one of the most precious parts of the whole photo. That, and the "staring off into space" look he has, like he is totally concentrating on what he is doing.
That is just his size isn't it?! Too cute.
Oh, definitely, we're living in the middle of a C&H omnibus. One minute, Robin Williams, the next, Darth Vader. Who knew? Parenting is quite the gig, isn't it?
A certain female child in my house keeps stealing a certain cd to take to her room. I think I may have to make a copy.
Chive just had a look at your banjolin, and he was quite delighted to see it. He says they're a great rhythm instrument for an Irish drinking band, or for ragtime. Apparently we have one in the basement, all in bits like a very early stage of Frankenstein's monster.
Wow, I'm a preteen idol?!
I would love to play in an Irish drinking band some day. It would suit me well. ;)
Awesome banjolin! Looks like quite the picker, too!
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