Wednesday, June 18, 2008

lupine of the day

As I was going to T ball with Mr. Attitude, I noticed lupines blooming along the school's access road, and on the banks of a couple ponds they have on the grounds. I guess it's been more popular lately to have wildflower seeds included in the usual ground cover mix. I think it looks lovely. Above is the progress of my lupine at home.

It being T ball and kids Bible study night, we ate a late dinner and I am tired. Starflower has strep throat, which is strange because apart from her huge swollen tonsils and sore throat, she has no symptoms. She had the sore throat yesterday, when I took the day off, but I made the judgment call to not take her to the doctor because she did not have a raging fever. Oh well. Diagnostics are one of the more difficult arts of being a parent.


Lynne at Hasty Brook said...

My kids never had the sore throat/fever symptoms with strep. They ALWAYS got stomach aches and funky breath. Molly actually got the scarlet fever rash when she was a toddler because it went untreated (because she had no sore throat etc.) Hope she feels better soon. It stinks to be sick on summer vacation.

Lynne at Hasty Brook said...

Does lupine have a fragrance?

Deb said...

Lynne- She had the throat and the funky breath. And the sore stomach. But she's feeling better, after a day on penicillin pills.

I actually went out and sniffed the plant, and I don't think it has a distinctive odor.

RuthieJ said...

Your lupines are beautiful, Deb. What a treat to see those blue flowers out in your yard.