Thursday, November 29, 2007

I feel like...umm...scum?

I may have met The Lunch Lady From Hell today. In the grocery store. And I feel like...ummm... the stuff amoebas scrape from between their toes, if they had toes.

I picked up Mr. Attitude from school today, because it is his birthday, but Starflower had piano lessons, so we had to hang around until 4. We went to the grocery store, where he was telling everyone it was his birthday. I don't know where he gets this, I was so shy when I was his age.

Anyway, Mr. Attitude started talking to this woman in the produce section. I did not recognize her, although by the way she talked it seemed she was familiar with our family. She asked me how my husband was doing. I thought this was strange, since very few people in the community know of our situation. But when she said she worked at the pool, and asked why I hadn't showed up lately, I knew she knew us a little, but still why would she ask...

It was not until later that I made the connection. Mr. Attitude told me she was one of the lunch ladies. A lunch lady...who asked me about my husband...oh sheeeet. I am very sure she was the one I sent a very nasty email to, about how we were sorry we hadn't paid the lunch bill due to recent circumstances...

Maybe she was nice to me out of kindness. I'm sure she knew I was the one who had blasted her in that email, yet she was so kind. I don't know if she knew if I knew wh0 she was. Oh well.

I will never, ever send an email out of pure anger again. I was just protecting my kids, but I guess it just wasn't right, now that I have met the recipient face to face.


MojoMan said...

Wait a minute. Are you saying you can even reach the lunch lady by e-mail now? What a country!

barefoot gardener said...

At least she was nice. I'm sure she understands that right now you are in full MamaBear mode. You have a hubby who needs you and kids who are worried about their dad. You surely don't need some person from the school bugging you about their lunch account. I wouldn't beat myself up about it too much. If all you do is send a nasty email when you have this much on your plate, then you are a much nicer person than I.

Anonymous said...

I'm certain the Lunch Lady understands. We all blow up sometimes. You are right, though...try not to blow up in writing! ;-)

Anonymous said...

Oh I have never blown up when I was blogging - lol (-; Sometimes its easier to write how you feel versus talking about it. I learn a lesson that when things piss you off is to write and write about your feelings till your blue in the face than delete it. I made the mistakes several times in my life by hitting "send" or hitting the "publish" button. At least the lunch lady knows where you stand.


Deb said...

Mojoman- Yes, it is quite the amazing convenience. But, like I have shown, it can be abused.

Barefoot Gardener- You're right. She understands how I feel, and she was just doing her job. I plan to send her a very nice email this weekend.

Denise- I have learned my lesson.

Mike- you hothead, you! :) Although with the likes of Richard Wood on the MOU listserv, sometimes it is justified. :)

I will not send nasty emails...I will not send nasty emails...