Friday, September 29, 2006

they're baaack! Bird update

Dark-eyed (slate-colored) juncos, that is. I saw a flurry of bird activity in the back yard just now, and there they were, the little gray wanderers from up north. They are mostly migrating through here, although a few stick around for the winter, but for a month or two and again in early spring they will be the most common bird around.

With them quite predictably, come the White-throated sparrows. They have a longer journey, heading down to Iowa and Missouri and further south, but I appreciate the song they bring to an otherwise silent woods.

I also saw a flock of migrant warblers, and one came right up to the back patio door so I could get a good look; probably a Nashville (on its way to the Opry, no doubt!)

Bald eagle sightings have been frequent; I suspect along with the residents, there are quite a few migrants coming through. Yesterday as I was driving the kids to school, I came over a slight hill to see an adult eagle just taking flight from the roadkill it was dining on. I had to slam on the brakes to avoid it; eagles, with their great wingspans, take a few seconds to get airborne. I ended up driving about ten feet underneath, its wingspan extending beyond the sides of the car.

I'm sure a lot more birds are coming through, and I should be taking a lot more time to notice them.


Anonymous said...

I sent a large flock of sandhills your way earlier this afternoon. Be on the lookout - they were making pretty good time.

R.Powers said...

Okay, I need to mount my new birdfeeder for the migrants on their way.

arcolaura said...

I thought I heard a white-throated sparrow the other day, but I don't trust my ears for that one anymore, after the chickadees tricked me last spring. Very embarassing.