This little downy woodpecker found out the hard way this morning that windows should be avoided. We don't have a large picture window, but occasionally a bird will hit one of our regular-sized windows, especially if it is inexperienced at flight. I was out in the garden watering when The Hermit brought the woodpecker to me. We debated about where to put it, because we wanted to keep it safe from cats. First we tried the ledge of the bird feeder; no luck, the woodpecker flew right into the window again. We decided to put it on top of the shower, where it would have a clear line of flight in three directions. When I checked a half hour later, it had flown. I hope it learned its lesson, and that I will see it again this winter at the feeder.
It's always such a thrill for me to hold a bird in hand - lucky you!
That just made my day :) adorable..it really is amazing how strong and tender baby birds are!
That's a very cute little woodpecker baby. Lucky it had you there to help it get back on the right flight path.
I guess I forgot to write about how incredible an experience it was to hold a wild bird in my hand. I have had precious few times like that; I remember a warbler about ten years ago, and a chickadee, which was really just perching on my finger, two years ago. This bird was about half the size of a full grown Downy woodpecker, yet all the feathers and markings were there; beautiful.
How totally adorable that little one is! I have only seen the adults. I'm wishing it a safe and happy life too.
What a great photo!
What is it with birds and windows? I know of two cases where, apparently, the same bird would fly into the same window over and over again.
Let's hope this one is smarter than that!
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