Lake Superior is the largest inland freshwater lake in the world. The twin ports of Duluth MN and Superior WI are international port terminals, shipping out coal and iron ore and grain and bringing in shipments from everywhere. If you look closely you can see an ore freighter in the above picture. Hint: click on it...and you can also see my family, including dogs, enjoying this day.

Today was a holiday for me and the kids and we had a reason to visit Duluth. Thanks to a very generous benefactor (my father, bless him), we had the money to order the rest of the windows and doors for the house while they were on sale. Can I say enough how thankful I am? So I herded the kids around Menard's (MN-WI local version of Home Depot or Lowes, only much nicer), admiring the Christmas displays and choosing tile for the hearth, while The Hermit did the necessary transactions. Then it was up the hill to the bank, then down the hill on one of the steepest streets in Duluth, or anywhere maybe, and out to Park Point and the beach. Park Point is a narrow spit of sand running east from mainland Duluth, and separated from it by a shipping channel and the local landmark Aerial Lift Bridge. The wind was from the north, although the temperature was mild, so on the north side beach there was some good surf and the kids could run around barefoot. In late November...amazing!
We saw one freighter headed out as we were driving around the harbor. We could see many of the crewmen standing outside, along the railing; I hope they were enjoying the mild weather and the sights of the day as much as I did. For a sailor on the Great Lakes in November, it can be risky; think Edmund Fitzgerald.
I love a good beach ... no matter where it is. That water looks cold!
Sounds like a great day and hooray for Dad's window gift!
That's really exciting, about your windows, I can't wait to see them in the house. Take lots of pics!!
These beach pictures are really nice too, and I'm still walking around Big Bear (6,750') wearing shorts and sandals in mid November.
Nice, but kind of scary too, but I'm still dreaming of a white Christmas.
The ski resorts here are sometimes open as early as Halloween, and always try to be going by Thanksgiving, even if it is only on man-made snow.
But this year, so far, it hasn't been cold enough to make snow, and nobody is skiing here.
Can't wait to see your windows and doors in! What a wonderful gift. Love the lake photos. We plan to head to MN next July to visit No. 1 Son in Minneapolis. He's trying to reserve a shorefront cabin up north for a few days during our stay. I told him I wanted to see woods and water. After seeing your photos, I'm even more excited.
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