Sunday, June 03, 2007

something to meditate upon...

...until I have the time and energy to produce a coherent post. It's a crucial gardening time here.


Kathie said...

Just beautiful!

Nifty Galoot said...

Great Photo! Love the flowers!

Know what you mean about a crucial gardening time, I've got lots of weeds to get rid of, they've really sprouted with the rains.

Lynne at Hasty Brook said...

LUPINES!! I need to get up to Hasty Brook to see the lupines. I love them. I've tried to grow them here at home and they never do a thing. I won't be able to get up there for a couple of weeks- to much going on here too. Thanks for the look at them.
Take it easy!

Deb said...

Katie- Thanks. That particular plant is growing in a garden that desperately needs weeding, but yet it has managed to put out more spikes than ever this year.

Nifty Galoot- Oh, the weeds! Hope your garden is doing well!

Lynne- I have had a love affair with lupines, ever since I lived near Stacy and found a patch of them in the Carlos Avery WMA just four miles away from my house. I saved seeds from them for a while, and even successfully started some plants. This one, however, is a garden variety, and a very faithful one at that. It ignores my ignoring of it. :)

R.Powers said...

That is gorgeous.

LauraHinNJ said...

They are beautiful Deb!

I don't have any luck growing them either. Guess it's too warm here for their liking.

Anonymous said...

Almost as lovely as you are!

Anonymous said...

I love lupines... There's a children's book about a lady who planted them... What is that book?

Deb said...

FC- I agree, this is the most gorgeous lupine plant I have ever seen. There must be about fifteen flower spikes on it.

LauraHinNJ- I guess they like sandy, not too fertile soil. I don't know about their heat tolerance, but they do seem to be associated with the north woods.

pablo- ummm...err...*blushing*

Jennifer- I don't know that book, but I should!

Okay, I've come up with a tentative plan here. I'm going to take a picture of this lupine every day, to track the progress of the flowering. Then, I hope to collect seeds before they burst everywhere, and offer a few packs of seeds to any blogging friends who might be interested. They do require a little special handling (soaking or scarification) but other than that they are pretty easy to grow!