Wednesday, June 22, 2005

feeling the blogging love

I didn't think it would lead to this. Imagine, feeling a connection to people thousands of miles away, whom you've never met face to face, and having it mean something!

I started blogging after a thread in a message board I post at, very infrequently now. It asked who on the board was blogging. I read it, followed some of the links, and thought, "This sounds like fun!" Thus was born Sand Creek Almanac. It has grown into something larger for me, a daily challenge to write, to record the things around me, to communicate with an unknown audience. It is truly an inspiration. At first I thought I would write better if no one was watching me, but now I think about what I write, even if its only a paragraph or two, and I think we're all better off for the increased consciousness.

Today I think a very significant thing happened in the blogging world. I read someone's post, thought, "This sounds like something I read yesterday", and wrote a comment that connected the two blogs. Judging from the subsequent comments, I think they hit it off. And I think, without blogging, how could a thirtysomething mama ever communicate something in common with a couple of twentysomething Kerouac aficionados? Who ever thought that Two Hearted Ale would forge a common connection across the Blogosphere?

What I'm saying is, thanks, all of you, for being there and for commenting. And don't be afraid to criticize me, I can take it, I know it will make me a better writer and person. And, specifically, thank you Dan, Erich, Dharma Bum, Lene, and Sylvia. You've been an inspiration.


Dan Trabue said...

and thanks for pointing me to whollyman. I've heard some critics suggest that friendships forged online are lacking in something.

I don't believe it. All any of us are lacking is proximity. Were any of us around the others, I suspect we'd have hardy friendships.

Thanks again.

And I love that you're using an old washer (or trying to) - the kind my dear ol' granny had in her basement and used all her life.

dharma bum said...

you said it better than i could. thanks deb. i've been feeling something akin to what you've expressed, what lene has expressed, what a bunch of people have alluded to... inspiration is part of it. excitement is part of it. and there's a lot more, but i just don't quite know how to name it.

but thanks. thanks to you for your great stories and writing, and also for leading me to believe that my wife and i can find our own peaceful corner of the world someday.

maybe a little convention in minnesota this fall to coincide with lene's proposed meeting in vermont...? i'd love to spend an afternoon talking with you all face-to-face.

Anonymous said...

Awwww, thanks! <blush> I still feel like a baby-blogger myself. I think blogging is what the internet was supposed to be---people from all over the world connecting and sharing. Long live the blog!