Sunday, October 28, 2007

happy critters

It was cold this morning; our thermometer, which tends to read cold, said 15 degrees at sunrise. So naturally, the kids were reluctant to bring the bunnies outside right away. Instead, they created the "Mini Lop Hotel". Sweet. The Hotel, by the way, is a doll house built for me by my grandpa. Of course I had to pass it on to my daughter.

Why do these sheep look so contented? Because they just spent the day outside, grazing on fresh grass, while we moved their pen. They were good sheep, not straying outside the bounds of home and yard. And now they have a pen that isn't so spongy with layers of hay and sheep droppings and rain. I was thinking, I could really get into being a shepherd; lots of time to think, and play banjo.

We also got the young chickens moved from the chicken tractor to the main chicken house, and I weeded a couple garden beds, then The Hermit moved four loads of dirt and composted horse manure from the horse enclosure. It was a farmy kind of day, and I enjoyed it.


RuthieJ said...

How do the kitties get along with the bunnies??

You must have a nice place with all those different animals around--lots of work though!

Deb said...

RuthieJ- We don't have the bunnies out and about too often, but the house kitties seem to accept them as a curiosity.

I've been complaining to myself about all the work lately, but just today I thought it's worth it. I have a nice pile of dirt ready to put in my garden beds, courtesy of the horses, and it was just fun to watch the sheep wandering around the yard.

Anonymous said...

Cute picture; 15 degrees-ouch!; sounds like a super productive weekend!

barefoot gardener said...

Oh, that sounds so nice! That is the kind of work that leaves you satisfied, rather than stressed.

Deb said...

Momadness- the 15 degrees did kind of put the chill on Sunday, even when the high reached near 50. But yes, we did some stuff that needed to be done!

Barefoot Gardener- You hit it exactly. I would rather stay home and do this kind of stuff than work. Damn health insurance...

LauraHinNJ said...

Better watch those critters don't get too spoiled! Love the pic.

R.Powers said...

That is a cute pic.
Wow, 15 already. We probably won't see that this entire winter.
Sounds like a great day.