Saturday, May 01, 2010

spring metamorphosis

The big burst of spring color is happening. I love this time of year perhaps even more than fall, because these colors represent new growth and rebirth. In the spirit of personal growth and rebirth, I convinced myself to go for a run this morning, and I even made it over four miles. I had not been running for a while; for some reason I was not excited about it this spring and the excuses were flying everywhere. So instead of fighting it I gave myself a break, with the promise that I would return to running...when I was good and ready.

It was one of those dramatic skies. Morning had dawned clear and blue and sunny, but the clouds started rolling in about the time I decided to go running. If I had waited ten minutes, I may have decided the wind was too much...which is of course another excuse. As it turned out, I had a great run despite the wind, and I even put up with holding the camera in one hand the entire way so I could take pictures of the ever changing skies and the spring color. These tamaracks are definitely a bit wind-tossed.

Marsh marigolds are blooming in profusion, a week or so earlier than normal. These were just up the road from my house, in an area where there are flowing springs in the ditches. I was wondering if that was watercress next to the marsh marigolds.

I have been feeling the spring metamorphosis in another aspect of life--my music. In the past month or so I have played my instruments more than in perhaps the last six months total. Sure I have talked a lot about my musical efforts on this blog, but until now something was missing, that personal commitment to make music a part of life rather than just a hobby I participated in once in a while. I always had reasons/excuses why I wasn't making it happen. But for whatever reason, that has changed. Yesterday I took the day off work and played guitar, banjo, and mandolin from about 9 AM-3 PM or longer. I worked through some fundamentals on guitar, learned some new chords and scale patterns, and learned another Greg Brown song (Billy From the Hills). I don't know where I'm going with this, but for now I don't care. I'm finally breaking down the personal barriers to doing what I love, and I think good things will happen with it.


Jayne said...

Feels good to move, doesn't it? :c) I am also trying to awaken the passion within Deb and admire your following through.

webb said...

Can you tell me more about Marsh Marigolds? They look a LOT like the mystery plant that comes up in my yard every year. Do you know if it grows in "dry places", too? Are the leaves heart-shaped? They look it in the photo...

Gorgeous sky pictures, too.

Pablo said...

How many chords are there left for you to learn? I would have thought you knew them all by now!

Also, if you can run 4 miles, could you run a marathon?

Deb said...

Jayne- There are more than a few times when I think we are on the same wavelength! Now if I can only make the time to run during the week. Didn't happen today.

Webb- Marsh marigolds are the species Caltha palustris, and yes they do have broad, heart shaped leaves. But as far as I know they are exclusive to wet areas. Maybe they have a relative that grows in dry areas as well.

Pablo- with twelve tones in the scale, the possibilities for combinations of three or more notes are astounding. Actually, I play a lot of them unintentionally, without knowing their names.

Four miles? I could do a 5k. Maybe even a 10k. A marathon is still out of the question.